To meet this challenge, sailors need a lot of support.
Meet all the team assisting the skipper on this round-the-world voyage.
The Vendée Globe may be a solo race, but the adventure is a group effort! To successfully complete their round-the-world project, skippers are far from alone: they are helped by a group of multi-skilled people known as the “Team”. Depending on each person’s skills, a team will contain between 5 and 15 people.
One of the logistician's crucial tasks is to prepare the victualling, i.e. everything to do with food – a factor essential to the skipper's well-being. Once the shopping list is finalised, the logistician organises everything with meticulous care, eliminating packaging, vacuum-packing food and preparing daily packs.
The outfitter is a specialist in the installation, assembly and maintenance of all deck equipment. In this role, they install and fix the various sailing and handling equipment (cleats, winches, pulleys, rudder, pianos, etc.) as well as fitted components (pulpits/pushpits, guardrails, portholes, etc.).
In any project, the engineer may wear several hats: in terms of electronics – making sure connections with the shore are properly planned and reliable – and as regards the operation of the various on-board computers and weather tools. The engineer also finds the best solutions for producing energy from wind- or hydro-generators, solar panels, etc.
As both administrative and financial manager, the person who can be described as a bursar is in charge of all the finances: the lifeblood of any project, large or small. The bursar keeps a close eye on the budgets allocated to all expenditure, including equipment purchases, human resources and overheads.
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Discover the full story of this remarkable race, nicknamed the Everest of the Seas