The skippers :
Jingkun XU

Jingkun XU


Vendée Globe track record:

1st participation in 2024



A true autodidact, the Chinese skipper, who is disabled, has pushed out his limits to make a place for himself in the sailing world. After being invited to be on one of the support boats during the 2016 edition, he redoubled his efforts in order to take part in the Vendée Globe and show that it is always possible to surpass oneself despite the difficulties.

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Une course en solitaire

Personne d’autre que le skipper ne peut se trouver à bord du bateau durant le tour du monde, alors un peu de compagnie par message ne peut que leur faire plaisir ! ;)

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The skipper's team

To meet this challenge, sailors need a lot of support.

Meet all the team assisting the skipper on this round-the-world voyage.

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IMOCA boats

Designed to withstand all weathers and break speed records... 

Find out more about the Vendée Globe yachts

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Safety on the race

The Vendée Globe race is not without danger!

Find out more about the measures taken to ensure skippers' safety. 

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